Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The quote of the day...

...is from a front page article in the Times this morning, "With New Vigor, Romney Resets Ohio Campaign" (my emphasis):

Cathy Appel, 53, an independent voter from suburban Columbus, said she believed that Mr. Romney did a better job in the debate. But she said she was still leaning toward Mr. Obama because of Mr. Romney’s positions on women’s issues. “Mitt Romney came across much more confidently than I would have thought,” said Ms. Appel, a retired government worker. “But I can’t imagine selling myself down the river.”

And that reminds me of something a woman from Cleveland told me in an airport this summer. A middle-aged, white union member (whose voice sounded rough from a lifetime of booze and cigarettes)  told me she was voting for the president. 

"Really," I said. "Obama?"

(She didn't strike me, somehow, as someone who would vote for a MarxistblackguysocialistblackguyMuslim from Kenya.)

"I don't really care who's at the top of the ticket," she explained. "All I know is, the Democrats saved the auto industry and the Republicans would have let it go under."

And I thought, that may be the story of Ohio this year. Not too sure of this Obama guy, but they know they don't want Romney.

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