Friday, July 31, 2009

Awesome lunch today...

...grilled chicken breast with fig spread and melted provolone cheese served on whole grain bread. Very heady play!


Joe Tracy said...

What the hell is fig spread?

Unknown said...

My wife and I are on the fig spread bandwagon because of your suggestion in the past. Our small-town Dominick's calls it "Dalmatian Spread". (Right next to the Irish Setter spread)

By the way, love your advertising on the blog today. Trojans?

Kevin said...

This stuff sounds expensive. Can I just cut the cookie part away from a fig newton?

I clicked on the Trojans ad.

mtracy said...

Mine is also called Dalmatia Fig Spread and I get it from Dominick's. It's almost gone; I'm going to try the fig/orange spread next. Irish Setter spread, huh? Hmmm...

Kevin, just spring for the good stuff. I doubt if you could get rid of all the crumbs using your method anyway.

As for the ads on my blog, I have no control over them; that's all up to Google. But I appreciate you clicking on them. The sooner I can start making some dough from this blog the sooner I can quit my day job.

Unknown said...

Don't get me wrong, this spread is pricey, so we're just not eating it like we're the Rockefellers.

mtracy said...

I could be eating like a Rockefeller if you guys would just click on those ads a little more!