Friday, May 8, 2009

I cut my grass for the second time yesterday...

...and I have to say that it really looks good. But as I was cutting it the sky darkened a little and I think I felt a raindrop or two. It passed, but it made me think. With an electric mower, is there any chance that I could get electrocuted in a rainstorm? That would be a horrible way to go.


Joe Tracy said...
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Joe Tracy said...

No worries. There are so many safeguards on electric lawnmowers that you wouldn't ever get a shock. Don't you think that they thought of the prospect of rain starting as people mow their lawns? I imagine that would be quite the recall if people could get shocked any time the slightest bit of water touched the mower.

Regardless, you shouldn't mow the lawn in the rain for fear of looking ridiculous. Sanford lane doesn't need another publicly crazy resident.

mtracy said...

Thanks, but it was tongue-in-cheek. And don't worry, I only cut the grass when no one is looking.