Thursday, May 7, 2009

Chris Matthews continued his search...

...last night for a Republican that could endorse science on his show. After Mike Pence's disastrous appearance on Hardball Tuesday night, Matthews tried former Congressman and presidential candidate Tom Tancredo of Colorado. I can't decide if he was an improvement over Pence or not. On the one hand Tancredo, a former junior high school teacher, endorsed science. Pence couldn't even bring himself to do that much. On the other hand, Tancredo didn't seem to know what he was endorsing, as he maintained that Intelligent Design (which isn't science) should be taught alongside evolution (which is) in science classes (which are supposed to be).

(To be fair, Matthews was a little confused himself. He maintained his belief in a god that created the universe and then "guided" evolution. This is only marginally better. As the biologists E. O. Wilson and James Watson have said, evolution implies "no designer.")

Representative Tancredo, who is generally thought of as one of his party's wing-nuts, came across last night as a Happy Warrior. It was hard not to like the guy. But his response was so muddled that all I could think was, can't the Republicans find one person who can come on Matthews's show and defend science? Are they that intellectually bankrupt? And if so, how can they ever hope to have any credibility as a party going forward?

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