Thursday, October 1, 2009

Politico has a piece about Tim Pawlenty... that says:

...the emerging belief among many establishment Republicans [is] that Pawlenty is becoming the sole viable alternative to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a potential Republican primary rival.

It goes on to say:

Before anyone else enters the arena, [Pawlenty is] seeking to win over Republicans who are reluctant, or downright unwilling, to embrace Romney and who think that other potential candidates — notably former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Alaska Gov. and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin — are nonstarters in a general election.

I agree that Huckabee and Palin are nonstarters in a general election. But I also think that Romney and Pawlenty are two of the most charisma-challenged politicians on the scene today. The only chance that any of these four would have to defeat Obama in 2012 would be if the economy were in a free-fall. So either the Republicans go down in flames with one of these candidates, or (as I think is more likely), we have yet to see the GOP standard-bearer for 2012 emerge.

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