Thursday, October 15, 2009

I keep seeing an ad...

...on this blog that says "Stop Government-run Health Care." It shows people lined up at the DMV and implies that that is what your doctor's office will look like after health care reform. "Do You Want to Wait over 100 Days to See a Primary Care Physician?" (By the way, I've been to the DMV here recently and it wasn't at all bad.) But even if the U. S. adopted a single-payer system like Canada's (which isn't even under consideration), it would just be Medicare for all. That means that the doctors, nurses, hospitals, etc, would remain private. The only thing that would be "government-run" would be your insurance. Instead of having a private sector bureaucrat who is incentivized to deny you coverage, you would have a government bureaucrat who would be incentivized to move the process along. Ask any senior citizen what he or she thinks of Medicare. Chances are, they are a lot more satisfied with their insurance than you are. Oh, and when is the last time one of your parents had to wait 100 days to get in to see their doctor?

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