Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's taking me a while... get caught up from my Big Football Weekend, but I finally watched (almost) all of my Sunday morning talk shows. There was a lot of buzz about Dick Cheney's comment that "The White House must stop dithering while America's armed forces are in danger." Cheney made this remark after accepting an award from the Center for Security Policy, whoever they are.

The first thing I noticed from the clip was the cast of characters present. Among others, I could make out Donald Rumsfeld, Douglas Feith, and Scooter Libby (a convicted felon, who was also given an award). It was a veritable rogues' gallery!

Secondly, Dick Cheney--of all people--should not be giving advice to anyone about anything. This is the same guy who's been wrong on just about everything for the last nine years. Even George Bush stopped listening to him by the second term! Cheney could be thought of as the "George Costanza of American policy." You'd probably be okay just doing the opposite of whatever he advises.

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