Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm already tired of this AIG story...

...and the whole financial mess, for that matter. But I did read a good article about it this morning. It's by Michael Lewis, of Liar's Poker fame, and you can find it on I'm afraid he and Andrew Ross Sorkin of the NYT are right: as bad as it feels, it would be worse not to pay the money than to just pay it. Now Congress wants to tax it at a 90% rate? It reminds me of that Three Stooges episode where the boys are doing a plumbing job on some rich guy's house. Things just keep getting worse and worse; at one point water starts coming out of a ceiling light fixture. Finally one of the servants says, "This house has sho' gone crazy!"

Face it folks, we're all guilty. We've all been living beyond our means since Ronald Reagan said we could have it all. No wonder he crushed Jimmy Carter. Americans hate limits; they love to hear that we can do anything we want. Cut taxes, raise spending, and balance the budget? No problem! John Anderson was right. How do you do that? It's easy; you do it with mirrors.

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