Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I didn't watch the convention...

...last night; I went to bed early so I could toss and turn for a few hours before I finally went to sleep. But, apparently, the various speakers in Charlotte didn't shy away from talking about the Affordable Care Act Obamacare. And all I can say is: It's about time! The ACA is a great advance for America and, I think, will go down as President Obama's greatest achievement. 

From Greg Sargent's blog in the Washington Post this morning (my emphasis): 

The Dem polling firm Democracy Corps argues in a new memo that Democrats should embrace Obamacare and aggressively educate voters on how the law makes health care more affordable and strengthens the safety net. The memo says a message about affordability and protecting the vulnerable resonates with key Dem constituencies, such as unmarried women, Latinos, and young voters. But a strong message about Romney/Ryan’s backward-looking positions on women’s health issues can help Dems gain with swing constituencies like married women and suburban and professional voters, who might otherwise be tempted to see the election as being only about the economy. 

If Dems want to draw a sharp contrast between an Obama second term and a Romney first term, Obamacare should play a key role. If Obama wins, a law placing checks on insurance companies and expanding coverage to millions will continue to be implemented and fine-tuned. If Romney wins, the law may be repealed, taking insurance away from millions, returning us to a pre-reform free-for-all and probably setting the stage for yet another series of divisive national battles over health care down the line. Whatever people tell pollsters about Obamacare, they certainly don’t want that to happen. And I’m not talking just about Dem base voters. The true undecided voters who will determine the outcome of the election most assuredly won’t want that either, if the choice is made clear to them.

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