Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I got back from my trip to Minnesota...

...Sunday night and I can attest that six and a half hours up and back in a car is not easy on a bad back. But it was worth it; I had a really nice visit with my parents.

As usual, most of it revolved around food. My mother never skimped on meals and that hasn't changed; she even served cake and ice cream for dessert on Friday and Saturday nights.

Is it somebody's birthday around here or something?

Oh, and if you want to see two 90-year-olds move really fast, just offer to take them out for a corned beef sandwich. (They almost ran me over on the way to getting their hats and coats!) You would have thought I was taking two kids to see the circus...

Postings were light today because I was in full Paul Krugman mode. After reading an article about him in the latest New Yorker, I went to the library and picked up some of his books. I'm about a third of the way through The Conscience of a Liberal. It's really good.

I'll get back on the straight and narrow tomorrow. Hope you're all enjoying my song selections.

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