Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Here are some scenes...

...and chants from yesterday's "Not My President's Day" rally on Wacker Drive, directly across the Chicago River from Trump Tower.

The newspapers said there were about a thousand people in attendance. Everyone was well-behaved and the cops were friendly. Kind of a snore, actually. Some of the signs were pretty clever, though; I wish I had focused more on them. I also wish I had brought a sign of my own, which would have read:


"Hey hey! Ho ho! Donald Trump has got to go!"

"Hands too small! Can’t build a wall!"

"No hate, no fear! Immigrants are welcome here!"

"Show me what democracy looks like! This is what democracy looks like!"

"We need a leader, not a creepy Tweeter!"

I got down to the rally a little after noon, stayed for about an hour, and then ducked into the Billy Goat Tavern on Lower Michigan for a double cheeseburger. It was a beautiful day!

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