Thursday, July 19, 2012

Time for another excerpt...

...from My Road Home. 

Saturday July 7th 

Remember the clothes vultures I mentioned a few days ago? Well Mike & I turned into "bed vultures" early this morning. Let me explain. Both of our cots had been in the middle of this long, windowless, dull room. The noise level seemed to be ground zero right where we were. So at 3:30 a.m. when we saw two guys getting the nod signaling they were departing Rikers (Steve was one of them, serving 2-4 for hitting his next door neighbor over the head with a brick, and John sentenced 6-9 years for massive credit card fraud) and whose beds were along the coveted wall area, (no one behind you & quieter) we sprang into action. Quickly we switched our mattresses & sheets with theirs, and just like that, we had moved into a more desirable (quieter?) neighborhood. And to think, a mere week ago I would never have had the nerve to make such a move. Hopefully tonight I can finally get some sleep.

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