Sunday, July 8, 2012

More from...

...My Road Home: 

Thursday July 5th 

I hope to be leaving here soon! One of these mornings I will be awoken early (3:30) and ordered to get dressed, but not packed. Apparently we are not allowed to bring a single stitch of clothing or anything else upstate. Off to processing jail I'll go, either a place called Downstate or Ulster. Both a few hours north of here. 

I've heard of the feeding frenzy that takes place when you're told to leave; all the slimy vultures come out of the woodwork to queue up for whatever clothes or food you leave behind. It doesn't matter that the entire time I've been here they haven't said one word to me, now I'm their best friend. These dudes have no shame. I can't wait to get the heck out of here.

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