Friday, May 4, 2012

I ordered Paul Krugman's... book, End This Depression Now, from Amazon this morning. In the meantime, he's all over the place promoting it. Today, Ezra Klein has an interview with the Nobel Prize-winning economist in which Krugman says, among other things: 

We only export 2 percent of our GDP to Europe. 

I think if a president Romney tried to do stuff that’s more or less Keynesian, Paul Ryan would cut him off at the knees. And beyond that, I don’t think he’s got the conviction. Someone said his slogan should be “Vote Romney: He doesn’t mean any of it.” But his party means it. 

It turns out that Britain, when Keynes was writing, had a debt level substantially above what we have now. 

(I heard him say on Charlie Rose this week that Britain had debt of 100 percent of GDP for much of the twentieth century; in other words, it's not that big of a deal.)

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