Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day.

Since it's kind of a slow news day, I thought I'd print another excerpt from my friend's book, My Road Home. As you may recall, it's by Jerry Byrne and is about his thirteen months behind bars for securities fraud. (You can read two other entries here and here.)

Coincidentally, Jerry's mother's birthday was right around Mother's Day, 2008. Again, I reprint this unedited. 

Friday, May 9th 

A very special "moment" is occurring today, another one of those I am obviously missing out on and one I will never get back. My mother turns 82 today! As I sit in this depressing prison all I can think of are birthdays past, my loving family gathered for the occasion; hugs, laughs, tears of joy to celebrate Mom. I dwell on the guilt I'm feeling, the sadness I've caused my parents. As if my mom deserves the pain she no doubt is experiencing, her youngest son now almost having been locked up for eleven months. She would lay down her life for me and trade every earthly possession to have me at her side this day. There is 100% truth in those words. 

I can't bear to think of my family this evening, it's just too painful, and doing so only makes matters worse. Blocking the thought of them may seem harsh, but no, what it, is survival.

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