Sunday, May 22, 2011

So Governor Mitch Daniels...

...of Indiana is out of the race for the 2012 Republican nomination. (And I, for one, am surprised.)

Prepare now to hear even more talk about drafting New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, or Jeb Bush, or Paul Ryan, or -- the latest -- Governor Rick Perry of Texas. Prepare to hear it and prepare to dismiss it.

The GOP field is set.

Either Mitt Romney (above left) or Tim Pawlenty (right) will be the Republican candidate in 2012. And the winner may struggle to get as many votes as John McCain in '08.

Jon Huntsman? He'll position himself to be the frontrunner for 2016.

And either Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, or (maybe) even Sarah Palin (though I doubt she'll run) will be the insurgent pain-in-the-butt candidate with tea party backing who will serve mainly to annoy (and give migraines to) the establishment. While one (or two) of them could win the Iowa caucuses or even the South Carolina primary, the ultimate GOP standard bearer will be Romney or Pawlenty. (The only question remaining -- and a good one -- is who will be the running mate.)

And President Obama will win reelection in a walk.

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