Saturday, June 23, 2012

Today, my son and I...

...embark on what we hope will be a cross-country road trip of Kerouacian proportions. As the picture above indicates, we're headed to sunny California, where Joe intends to seek his fame and fortune in show biz. 

After driving through western Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska today, we plan on spending the night in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Tomorrow, it's off to Las Vegas via the rest of Wyoming (and there's a lot of it) and Utah. On Monday we should pull into the City of Angels around lunchtime. 

I'll get Joe squared away in his new digs at UCLA (and maybe check out Venice Beach and Pink's for a chili dog while I'm in town) and then hand over the keys to the Honda. I should be on a plane back to Chicago by the end of the week.

In the meantime, blogging will be intermittent, at best; but I'll try to provide updates along the way. There should be a lot of material for future posts. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Ed Crotty said...

All the luck in the world to you both!