Monday, June 18, 2012

Another excerpt...

...from My Road Home: 

Monday July 2nd 

I come to find the only highlight of my day here is the one hour I am allowed to go outside. It is sunny and warm, and when I step outside the building, I look straight up and see the nothing but blue sky, it's never looked so perfect. I know I only have 60 minutes, so I want to soak up every second. 

I did not sleep well and this isolation is weighing heavy, and it's only my 2nd week. How will I survive this I keep asking myself. I continue to read about a book a day. I refuse to sleep the day away or take naps as most other inmates seem to do. I tell myself that would be a form of surrender to the system, to roll over (literally) feels like giving up. If I am to survive this I must never give up hope, I have to believe in myself, I must stay strong.

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