Thursday, June 14, 2012

The next entry... My Road Home: 

Sunday July 1st 

Because I have been sentenced to more than one year in prison, Rikers Island will be only a temporary stop. The next shit hole will be a processing jail where I will be evaluated, tested both mentally & physically, have my hair shaven, and receive all my state prison garb which I'll have to wear for only God knows how long. After a brief (usually 3 weeks from what I understand) stay there I will eventually be bussed up north to one of the 70 prisons throughout NY state. 

Along with my family, my hope and prayer is to be assigned to a Minimum Security facility. Considering that I am a 1st time felon and my crime is of a non-violent nature, I would think I fall into that category. As I overhear the other veteran inmates talk about "going upstate" they promise me there is no comparison to Rikers. 'Like a Four Seasons Hotel compared to this dump' they stress. I pray they're right. 

A brief scuffle in the TV room earlier, punches about to be thrown until cooler heads prevailed. One idiot wanted to watch pro wrestling, the other a baseball game......wrestling got the nod. I had to go to bed, I'm sad, lonely and becoming more and more depressed. I miss my sons so much.

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