Friday, September 3, 2010

Mark Kirk and Alexi Giannoulias...

...are tied right now in the race for the U. S. Senate from Illinois:

A new Tribune/WGN-TV poll of the Illinois Senate race shows Democrat Alexi Giannoulias and Republican Mark Kirk tied at 34% each, with 22% of voters still undecided.

Both candidates have struggled with scandals and unfavorable media coverage. The poll found that 28% of voters hold an unfavorable opinion of Giannoulias, who has been hurt by his connections with his family's recently-folded bank. The poll also found Kirk struggling to win over conservative voters -- 36% of them say they have "no opinion on whether they like the GOP candidate."

If Kirk can't beat Giannoulias, with all his baggage, then the chances are slim that 2010 will be a "wave" election in which the Republicans take the Senate as well as the House.

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