First it was Sarah Palin, then it was Rand Paul, and then Sharron Angle. Now it's O'Donnell (she of witchcraft fame). Witchcraft?
Guess you can't be too careful with the "lamestream media." (Get it? Lamestream media?) Some intrepid reporter might ask you a tough one like, "Which newspapers do you read?" Or, "What do you think of the 1964 Civil Rights Act?" (You know, the one that forbids restaurant owners from denying people like, oh, I don't know -- the President of the United States! -- from ordering a cheeseburger and a chocolate malt at your dive?)
Expect the list to grow.
And don't think Palin will change her strategy if she decides to run for president in 2012. She won't have to; her followers hate the media, too. And I'll bet she doesn't debate her Republican opponents, either. Too risky; and no need. Just keep tweeting away up in Alaska and sending messages to the faithful on your Facebook page.
This is going to be interesting.
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