Sunday, December 6, 2009

There's an ad on page 17...

...of The New York Times Magazine today for a product called the Violight Zapi toothbrush sanitizer, which claims to "keep your toothbrush 99.9% germ free, including the H1N1 swine flu virus." At the bottom of the page it says in fine print that it's also "clinically proven to kill 99.99% of...e. coli, salmonella, strep, staph, pseudomonas, and listeria on toothbrushes." (If you don't have the magazine, the ad can be found at It says "Click here to Order Today. Just $29.95." (I guess it must be this year's gift for the man, or woman, who has everything. And I mean everything.)

I can tell you one person who will not be needing one of these gadgets this Christmas: me. Or you. Or anyone else for that matter. Have you ever seen such a ridiculous product before? I think the Pet Rock of the 1970s had more value. Quick: when was the last time anyone in your house had one of those ailments listed above? And if so, do you really think it was due to an infected toothbrush? I've been leaving mine sitting on the sink for over five decades now and I don't think I've ever had any of those problems. Okay, maybe strep once. And frankly, I don't know what pseudomonas or listeria is and can't be bothered to even Google them. But I think it's safe to say that I can live without the Violight Zapi toothbrush sanitizer. And so can you.

If you really feel like buying one, why don't you just give the $29.95 in cash to a homeless guy instead? Even if he blows it on rotgut it would be money better spent.

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