Monday, December 7, 2009

I do have one thing to say...

...about that White House party-crashing couple after all. Suppose they had done some harm to the president; would anyone believe that it wasn't a conspiracy? Would anyone believe that a couple could just waltz right into the White House without some help from the inside? No way.

I only bring this up to cast doubt on conspiracy theories in general.

For example, I've always assumed that Oswald was part of a larger plot to assassinate President Kennedy. Given the facts of the case, the notion that he acted alone was always just too far-fetched for me.

Then 9/11 happened. I've often said that if I were a Hollywood producer I would have had to tell the screenwriter to go back and rework it. Come on, Muslim terrorists flying planes into the World Trade Center? And no one from the government knew anything? It's just not plausible.

But now, the more I go along in life, the more I think: maybe truth is stranger than fiction. Or at least it can be.

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