Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm almost finished with T. R. Reid's..., The Healing of America, and I highly recommend it if you are at all interested in health care reform. It's very interesting (and readable).

Before I write my full review, however, I'd like to let you all in on a dirty little secret: the health care systems of Germany, France, Japan, Taiwan, Switzerland, and yes, even Britain and Canada (and all the other developed countries, for that matter) offer universal coverage at a lower cost than the U. S. and in most cases--Shhh!--deliver as good as or better health care.


James said...

Not quite related to health care, but I just saw the Joe Biden interview on the Daily Show. Biden had a interesting quote from his grandfather to himself: "Joey, it's socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor." Check out the interview to make sure I got that exactly right!

mtracy said...

I did see that interview and I think you got the quote right. I've really become a big fan of Jon Stewart's and Stephen Colbert's.