Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Muslim man in suburban Buffalo... in the news for cutting off his wife's head. Apparently, she was his third wife and was trying to leave him because of domestic abuse. Why did the first two leave? Surprise! Domestic abuse.

Now what this really reminds me of is O. J. Simpson. I noticed that after the famous murder trial he dated at least two other women that I know of (good-looking ones, too). Help me out, ladies. What the hell were they thinking? Haven't women ever heard the term due diligence? What did they tell their girlfriends about their new boyfriend? He's really very sweet? He's misunderstood? And imagine the conversation they had with their fathers:

"Hey Dad. I just met a really neat guy."

"Great. Tell me about him. I sure hope he's nicer than that last guy."

"Oh he is, he is. He's intelligent, really good-looking and best of all, he played in the NFL!"

"No kidding! What's his name?"

"O. J. Simpson...Hello? Dad? Are you still there?"

"Honey, what did you say to your Father? He's passed out on the floor!"

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