Tuesday, February 10, 2009

If you're at all like me...

...(your smart aleck remark goes here) then you're probably wondering who in the hell asked that stupid question last night about A-Rod? After much surfing, I found out his name is Michael Fletcher and he writes for the Washington Post. Yes, the same paper that broke the Watergate scandal and drove a president from office. I scoured the Internet for info on him but didn't turn up much. He must be new.

Imagine his day yesterday. The economy is tanking, Congress is considering the largest stimulus package in history, and the financial markets are waiting with baited breath for the latest bank bailout. Oh, and did I forget to mention that we're waging two wars? After speaking in depressed Elkhart, Indiana, the new president is scheduled to appear on TV in Prime Time for his first presidential press conference. Meanwhile over at the Post, some grizzled editor in the mold of Perry White is mulling over which of his many crack reporters to send. As he swivels in his chair, he fixes his gaze on this Fletcher guy. He slowly removes the cigar from his mouth and pauses for dramatic effect. "Okay kid, here's your chance. Don't blow it!" Fletcher gulps hard. "Don't worry, boss, I won't let you down. I've been waiting for this chance since my first day of Journalism School!"

And then the moment finally arrives when the president points his finger at him and says, "Yes?" The TV cameras focus on him. A hush falls over the room. Somewhere out in the country his mother gasps, "That's my son!"

"Yeah, thank you, sir. What's you're reaction to Alex Rodriguez's admission that he used steroids as a member of the Texas Rangers?"

You've got to be kidding! That's it? That's your question?!? Who wants to know, Andy Card? One blog I read wondered why he didn't ask about the octuplets.

Obama started in on a big, long, rambling answer. One blogger called him Talky McTalkerson; another said he was channeling Hubert Humphrey. I have to admit I was a little surprised when he mentioned Our Kids (isn't this the guy who was going to bring Change to Washington?) The best part of his answer was when he said "it's depressing." How 'bout it? What I wish he'd said was, "My opinion on that isn't the least bit important. It will be settled by Major League Baseball. These are serious times. Let's keep this press conference on a serious level. Next?"

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