Monday, March 26, 2012

The irony of the individual mandate... that while Mitt Romney was for it before he was against it, President Obama was against it before he was for it.

Why not just have Medicare for all?


Ed Crotty said...

The reason the right wingers hate National Healthcare is they are apoplectic that "their" money might be spent on brown people! ( unless it is spent to kill them, which they are all for!)

Truman proposed National healthcare in 1945.

It failed ( among other reasons ) because it could not have afforded to build separate segregated hospitals.

Sadly, it appears that there is no sphere of American Life which is not hopelessly twisted because of racism.

Ed Crotty said...

also - the Mandate is a "compromise" solution. Everyone with a functioning branin and heart knows that National healthcare ( Medicare part E- For Everyone ) is the right solution and that is will happen, sooner or later.