Friday, October 15, 2010

David Brooks has a column today... which he sings the praises of Mark Kirk, the Republican candidate for the Senate from Illinois. After reading it, you would be forgiven for whipping out your checkbook and sending Kirk a campaign contribution straight away.

But what Brooks doesn't mention in the piece is Kirk's horrible voting record in ten years in the House. He's been a classic Republican Party hack. One of George W. Bush's lackeys, Kirk supported the president at every turn, including the ill-fated war in Iraq long after most other reasonable people had concluded it was a fool's errand. Also, in the last eighteen months or so, Kirk's been a member-in-good-standing of the Party of No, voting against the stimulus bill and health care and financial regulatory reform.

Congressman Kirk may have an outstanding resume but that doesn't excuse his voting record. I think he'd make a better K Street lobbyist than a United States Senator.

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