Monday, April 26, 2010

Alexi Giannoulias is the Democratic...

...nominee for the U. S. Senate from Illinois. He's in a tight race with my Congressman, Rep. Mark Kirk. While Kirk is often described as a moderate Republican, his record betrays him as a Bush lackey and a member-in-good-standing of the Party of No. He'd be a disaster for Illinois.

The problem with Giannoulias is that while Kirk at least looks the part of a U. S. senator, "Lexi" barely looks old enough to vote. And after the failure of his family's bank on Friday, Giannoulias faces an even steeper uphill struggle.

I read a rumor recently that Forrest Claypool may be drafted by the Democrats in a last-ditch effort to retain President Obama's old seat. Might be just the ticket.

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