Thursday, May 12, 2016

Donald W. Duncan, a Green Beret...

...master sergeant and Vietnam veteran who later turned against the war, died at age 79.

I didn't think Mr. Duncan's obituary in the New York Times was particularly remarkable, but what I did find interesting was that although his obit appeared in the May 6, 2016 edition of the Times, he actually died on March 25, 2009:

In an age of seeming information ubiquity, the news media will generally recall the lives of noteworthy people when they die. But Mr. Duncan’s death went largely unnoticed outside of Madison, Ind., the Ohio River town where he lived.

Ya gotta hand it to the Times -- it's thorough! Even though they missed this guy's death they still printed a big obit seven years later.

P. S. You can't see Andrew Duggan's face in this picture from the movie Seven Days in May, but his character, Col. William 'Mutt' Henderson (center), bore a striking resemblance to Sgt. Duncan -- especially with that beret on!

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