Friday, September 16, 2011

Jimmy Carter has me...

...thinking: maybe Mitt Romney wouldn't be such a bad president after all.

(I'll let regular readers of this blog catch their breath now.)

Seriously, the former governor of Massachusetts isn't a rigid ideologue; he's shown himself to be a problem-solver, a moderate. And if elected, maybe Romney could forge a coalition of Democrats and establishment Republicans and govern -- like President Obama -- from the center. (And tell the tea party to go jump in the lake.)

Would I worry about Romney repealing the Affordable Care Act? Not really. Repeal doesn't poll well. (And Romney is all about polls.) Besides, he was for universal health care back when it was a Republican idea, remember?

Now don't get me wrong: I'd still vote for Obama over Romney any day. At least with the president, you know what you're getting. With Romney, you have to guess. (Though I don't pay much attention to what he's saying now; I look at what he did as governor.)

But, honestly, thinking of voting for Romney in the general election is just silly. Although I could see voting for him in the Illinois primary, I really don't expect the GOP to nominate a Harvard-trained Mormon from Massachusetts. Do you?

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