Sunday, September 25, 2011

Herman Cain won...

...the Florida straw poll yesterday. Why do I call this to your attention? From Chris Cillizza's blog (my emphasis):

Straw polls generally have little predictive value, as evidenced by the fact that longshot candidates keep winning them. Paul just won one in California; Santorum just won another in Pennsylvania. Even the higher-profile straw polls should be taken with a big grain of salt. Bachmann’s Ames Straw Poll win might have been her high point in the race.

But the P5 Straw Poll has a good track record — every Florida straw poll winner has gone on to win the Republican nomination, although last cycle the straw vote was scrapped.

Herman Cain? The man has never held elective office in his life. 

The GOP is truly a party in disarray.

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