Sunday, April 3, 2011

I saw "The King's Speech" today...

...with my wife and son. It stars Colin Firth in the title role and won several awards, including the Oscar for Best Picture.

It's about a guy with a speech impediment.

Seriously, though, the film did raise a few questions for me. First of all, can you imagine having such a cushy existence that your biggest challenge in life was reading a speech over the radio?

And why didn't they just employ a "double?" Couldn't anyone go into a radio station and say, "This is the king speaking...?" (After all, FDR routinely "stood up" and leaned on his aides as he delivered speeches; he was almost never photographed in his wheelchair.) Weren't there any Rich Littles in Britain at the time?

Finally, why did King Edward have to abdicate his throne? Couldn't he just marry somebody else and continue seeing Mrs. Simpson on the side? Isn't that how Prince Charles handled it?

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