Friday, April 22, 2011

I have three movies... recommend for a rainy weekend:

Black Swan -- which I'm sure you know all about -- will have you talking. My wife and I had to watch it a second time.

American Splendor (2003), which I just saw for the first time. It's about a comic book writer named Harvey Pekar. Quirky, but interesting. I want to see it again. (Reminded me of a certain blogger.)

And Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (2001), which I just watched for the third or fourth time. (I'll leave you to figure out what that one thing is.)

Thirteen Conversations contains the line, "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." (I just found out that that's a quote from Soren Kierkegaard.) Kind of like my favorite line from Amelie, " is but a draft, a long rehearsal for a show that will never play."

Or, as I told my younger son yesterday, "Do the best you can; we're all living this life for the first time. None of us knows what we're doing. It only makes sense in hindsight."

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