Friday, June 18, 2010

Another one of my favorite movies... "Amelie." It's the story of a shy waitress, played by Audrey Tautou, who decides to change the lives of those around her for the better, while struggling with her own isolation. It's very clever, and will make you want to jump on the next flight to Paris. In French, with English subtitles (2001).

Whenever I see a movie, it seems like I notice something new. I particularly enjoyed these lines from Hipolito, the writer:

Failed writer, failed life... I love the word "fail." Failure is human destiny. Failure teaches us that life is but a draft, a long rehearsal for a show that will never play.


James said...

There's a Beckett quote about failure:"Fail. Fail Again. Fail Better."
I also recently read somewhere that failure is not only inevitable in people but also something to value because it motivates people to connect with one another based on the mutual need for assistance.
Oh and I was reading through some of the old posts and I just wanted to say that I thought the sewer part of Les Miserables (the book, actually haven't seen the musical) was awesome. I mean it's not like he's just describing it from an urban planning perspective. The guy's carrying a half-dead reluctant revolutionary on his back! Still, it's disturbing that it was Ann Rand's favorite book...

mtracy said...

Did you read the abridged version?

James said...

Nope. Whole hog. It's been a while though...