Friday, April 15, 2011

Chris Cillizza compares...'s passage by House Republicans of Paul Ryan's controversial 2012 budget to the Democrats' vote in 2009 on cap and trade.

From "Republicans Go Out on a Political Limb on Budget" (my emphasis):

The energy bill — it was officially known as American Clean Energy and Security Act — passed the House narrowly but ran into a blockade in the Senate which was never resolved.

That left lots of House Democrats — including a large number representing districts in the industrial midwest — having to answer for a vote that was broadly unpopular in their region and for which they had no successful final product.

The final vote — 235 yeas, 193 nays — included only four Republicans casting “no” votes and not a single Democrat voting for the plan.

While the vote was quickly hailed as a victory by Republican leaders, there is reason to believe that for some of the 61 GOP Members who sit in districts President Obama carried in 2008 it may well be a defining moment — and not in a good way -- of their first two years in Congress.

I always knew the Republicans were squirrelly on policy, but I thought they were shrewd politically. Now I'm not so sure. This is the most puzzling vote I can remember.

If the Democrats retake the House in 2012, it will be because of this.

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