Sunday, December 22, 2013

More Christmas in prison...

...from My Road Home:

Saturday-Sunday Dec 22nd-23rd

As I've said before, there's nothing like a visit, especially when it's your mother and father, along with one of your three sisters and two brothers. They arrived Friday night, spending the evening in Rome, NY. I got the call yesterday morning at 10:00 to head up to the visitor's room. Being three days before Christmas, the place was packed. We lucked out though and were given a table all the way at the end, removed from the throng of humanity. You could spot my family a mile away, Dad never without his blazer and tie, Mom even at age 82 looking so refined, elegant and attractive. My sister, Liz, causing all the C.O.'s heads to turn with her good looks, and Jack, who has never had a bad hair day in his life, just off the plane from the dregs of Honduras, appeared looking like he has been held up at at $800 per day spa.

Our three-hour visit went faster than Lindsay Lohan in rehab. So many laughs, memories, positive thoughts for my future, and then of course when it was time to say goodbye, a few tears. That wonderful visit will carry me through the holidays. For the first time ever I'll be relieved when Christmas day has come and gone. That being said, I do know I'm much more prepared emotionally to face the day than I was only a month ago for Thanksgiving.

Today (Sunday) has been quiet, other than walking over to the mess hall for breakfast and lunch (I skipped dinner). I've been confined to the dorm and my cube, where I have been reading. Family and friends have reached out to me this Christmas with all sorts of new books to keep my mind occupied. You have no idea how grateful I am.

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