Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm beginning to understand why...

...Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl of Arizona seem so wacky to the rest of the country. In their home state, they're considered normal.

From the Times today, "Governor Strives to Restore Arizona's Reputation" (my emphasis):

But fairly or not, Arizona’s image has been forged in part because of [Governor Jan] Brewer herself, who has been identified with the tough law aimed at illegal immigrants, budget cuts that include denying aid to people who need life-saving transplants and laws permitting people to take concealed guns into bars and banning the teaching of ethnic studies in public schools.

Even some of Ms. Brewer’s associates said they were hopeful that the governor and her allies in the Legislature would move away from initiatives that they said could further damage the state’s image, in particular allowing guns in schools.

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