Thursday, December 30, 2010

No sooner did I finish my post...

...on Mitch Daniels than I read Steve Kornacki's piece in Salon touting Mike Huckabee for the 2012 Republican nomination.

I especially liked the opening paragraph:

The race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination looks a lot like the race for the NFC West title did for most of this fall: You know someone has to win it, but all of the contenders have glaring flaws that should rule them out of contention.

I guess Huckabee's as good a guess as any, especially since it's still early -- no one has even announced yet. And who knows what the next two years will bring?  Remember how the 2008 election was supposed to be about foreign policy? 

But still, would the GOP really nominate a guy -- in 2012 -- who doesn't believe in evolution? Really?

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