Monday, March 9, 2009

Ted Kennedy was honored last night... his niece, Caroline, with a John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award. Washington pols and Hollywood luminaries gathered at the Kennedy Center in Washington for a 77th birthday celebration for the ailing senator. Kennedy has been much in the news since being diagnosed with a brain tumor last spring. Much was made of him at the Democratic convention last August as he was revered as the "Lion in Winter." Chris Matthews has been positively gushing lately that Kennedy is the "greatest modern senator." He was even given an honorary knighthood from Britain's Queen Elizabeth recently.

And yet, I can't help remembering that this is the same guy that was responsible for the death of a young campaign worker, Mary Jo Kopechne. The same guy that has never paid a price for that. Can you imagine getting away with what he did? "But it cost him the presidency!" Kennedy admirers would say. Boo-hoo! It should have cost him at least his senate seat and his career. Anyone else would have done jail time.

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