...from Wisconsin, wants to privatize Social Security, eliminate Medicare and Medicaid, cut taxes on the rich while raising taxes on everyone else, and keep defense spending constant. All this, he hopes, will erase the federal debt -- by 2063!
Well Congressman Ryan finally has an opponent, John Heckenlively (above). Not only does he have an unfortunate name, but his campaign slogan is "Give Congress Heck."
Heckenlively is unemployed and says, "I'm looking for a job." He plays "team trivia and drinks a lot of Coke."
Although Heckenlively has never won office, he was moved to run by the thought, "What, nobody is going to run?"
Discouraged? Don't be.
Heckenlively said unemployment benefits should be extended until the economy improves. He also supports the overall health care reform bill, he said. But ultimately he said the answer is eliminating the current health insurance industry and starting a universal single payer health care system, which would save hundreds of billions of dollars in administrative costs. He also said he believes government needs to spend within its means, but he said he recognized there are situations such as the current economic crisis, where the government may have to deficit spend to get out of the crisis.
That makes more sense than anything I've heard yet from Ryan.
I'd vote for Heckenlively.
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