Thursday, July 22, 2010

According to Reuters,...

...a federal judge has ruled that cheerleading is not a varsity sport:

Competitive cheerleading is too "underdeveloped" to qualify as a full-fledged sport for women under federal gender equality rules, and the university which proposed it discriminated against women, a federal judge in Connecticut ruled.

In the 95-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Stefan Underhill said Quinnipiac University, located in Connecticut, had discriminated against women when it sought to eliminate the school's varsity volleyball team and create a competitive cheerleading squad in its stead.

At the risk of sounding like one of those nutty Republicans (who seem to be always counting the number of pages in a bill), did we really need a 95-page ruling to tell us that the people who cheer from the sidelines for the football team -- you know, the ones who are actually playing in the game -- are not the real athletes in the stadium?

What about me, sitting up in the stands eating a hot dog and watching it all? Don't I deserve a varsity letter too?

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